The security of decoy state protocol in the partial photon number splitting attack

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yifanjiawei
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The decoy state protocol was proposed to overcome the primitive photon number splitting attack.When using a better strategy,the attacker can ensure that the ratio of the overall gain of the signal state pulse against the decoy state pulse changes very little,even to keep the overall gain of the signal state pulses equal to that obtained without attacker.In this paper we first give a model of the partial photon number splitting attack which contains the original one,and then find that the decoy state protocol still works effectively under the partial photon number splitting attack. The decoy state protocol was proposed to overcome the primitive photon number splitting attack. Using an improved strategy, the attacker can ensure that the ratio of the overall gain of the signal state pulse against the decoy state pulse changes very little, even to keep the overall gain of the signal state pulses equal to that obtained without attacker. In this paper we first give a model of the partial photon number splitting attack which contains the original one, and then find that the decoy state protocol still works effectively under the partial photon number splitting attack.
英特:要放寒假了,我真怕,怕管不住自己,天天泡在网中,虽 然我现在已经有所好转,想当初玩《大话西游》,每天光网费和点 卡就得消费20多块钱,唉,挣扎在“网”中央,难受啊! 水冰
我收到一封电子邮件,是一个女孩的.她这样描述自己: 我是个农村女孩,随着年龄增长,我越来越讨厌自己,发现自己有好多致命的缺点:1.性格内向,沉默寡言,朋友很少.2.没有爱好,总
【内容摘要】本文从播音员、主持人的政治素养、业务技能、个人修为等层面论述了新媒体时代播音主持工作的“讲究”之道,认为播音、主持工作者要充分发挥“工匠精神”,为探索新媒体时代播音主持的可持续发展之路提出了自己的看法与思路。  【关键词】播音;主持;新媒體传播;政治素养  近两年,“工匠精神”被大力提倡。精益求精、专注坚守、追求卓越,这些都是工匠精神的内涵,其核心可以用一个词来概括——“讲究”。“讲究
缘缘:熊熊姐,最近发生了一件我不敢相信的事情——居然有男生偷看我洗澡……当我发现女浴室的窗户上那双模糊的眼睛时,我吓坏了,大声尖叫起来,然后就 Margins: bear Xiong,