A Stylistic Analysis of“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

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  Abstract:This paper gives a stylistic analysis of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by American poet Robert Frost, and then probes how the author achieves his expected goal through attracting readers’ attention and leaving them much space to create their own imagination.
  Key words:stylistics analysis "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" Robert Frost
  I. Introduction
  Stylistics is an inter-discipline across two academic fields linguistics and literary criticism; a discipline that studies of language use from the linguistic perspective(Yu Xueyong 2). This paper looks into the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost, and makes a stylistic analysis of it.
  Robert Frost is one of the foremost American poets and a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize . In this poem, the author stands between the nature and the human society watching the woods covered by the snow. While enjoying the boundless charm of the woods, he recollects his promise, determining to fulfill his responsibility.
  II. Stylistic Analysis of the Poem
  1.End Rhyme
  A rhyme is a repetition of identical or similar sounds in two or more different words and is most often used in poetry and songs. End rhymes, the most frequent type, occur at the end of a verse.
  In this poem, there are five end rhymes: (1) [u]: know, though, snow (line 1, 2, and 4).(2) [i]: here, queer, near, year (line 3, 5, 6 and 8). (3) [eik]: lake, shake, mistake, flake (line 7, 9, 10 and 12).(4) [i:p]: sweep, deep, keep, sleep (line 11, 13,14, 15 and 16 ).
  2. Alliteration
  Alliteration refers to the repetition of initial identical sounds at the beginning of words. We can see many examples of alliteration in this poem. They help to create harmonious sound.
  Example: (1) sound’s the sweep (line 11): seriate use of [s] makes readers be caught in the woods vividly hearing the sound of the wind and flake. (2) dark and deep (line 13): double [d]s are used as a whole in order to emphasize the dim and deep woods.
  A pronoun is a pro-form that substitutes for a noun phrase, such as "you" and "they" in English.
  Throughout the poem, the narrator "I" is consistent. The narrator tells the occurrence and speaks directly about himself. This makes the condition seem quite factual and vivid to the readers.
  Example: (1) Whose woods these are I think I know. (line 1).(2) But I have promise to keep, (line 14). (3)And miles to go before I sleep. (line 15). (4)And miles to go before I sleep. (line 16) .
  4. Hyperbaton
  Hyperbaton is a figure of speech in which words that naturally belong together are separated from each other for emphasis or effect. In the beginning of the poem Frost uses hyperbaton in order to emphasize the essential role the word "woods" plays through the whole poem.
  Example: Whose woods these are I think I know. (line 1)
  Repetition is a poetic device that repeats its self over and over again.
  Frost adopts the form of repetition to stress the significance of his responsibilities while providing ambiguity without stating what "sleep" means. Here "sleep" implies whether "falling to sleep" or "passing away" is not so crucial. In stead, it is an interesting point arousing readers’ imagination. Readers may get own unique understanding from this meaningful expression.
  Example: And miles to go before I sleep.
  And miles to go before I sleep. (line 15 and 16)
  6. Metaphor
  It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. In this poem, the most significant figure of speech is metaphor. "Woods" implies nature, "house" and "village" suggest "real world", and the owner of the "house" represents "human in society". Frost used common words instead of big words succeeding describing a lovely but mysterious nature.
  Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to emphasize a point, to create humor, or to achieve some similar effect.
  Example: The darkest evening of the year. (line 8) .The choice of "darkest" not only conveys the literal meaning but also expresses the author’s confusion through an exaggeration.
  8. Personification
  Personification is a figure of speech in which an object is spoken of as though it were endowed with life or with human feelings.
  Here in this poem the horse seems to "ask if there is some mistake" (line 10). Personifying his horse helps to enhance the degree to which the author feels "queer" in this situation. It shows to the readers how "queer" the action he takes is so as to even "the horse" is puzzled.
  III. Conclusion
  Having analyzed this poem by examining it in detail and considering the linguistic features of it, a more objective criticism can be obtained. Furthermore, by means of this stylistic analysis, a literary wok can be interpreted effectively, scientifically, and correctly, thus a fuller understanding and appreciation of it will be achieved.
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摘 要:阅读是学生获得新知识、发展智力的主要手段。小学阶段的教育应基于大语文视角,从“引导乐读—引导会读—引导善读”着手,既关注阅读的趣味性、广泛性和适应性,也注重通过背诵、思考、摘记、评议、练习、竞赛等多种阅读形式,培养学生的阅读习惯和能力。  关键词:阅读教学;乐读;会读;善读  阅读是学生获得新知识的主要手段,是发展学生智力的主要手段。可见阅读对学生一生的发展是多么重要。我们应树立大语文观,
【摘要】 为解决我校信息技术教学一直存在的优质教育资源匮乏、教学模式陈旧等问题,让信息技术教学顺应资源建设的碎片化趋势,利用信息技术整合学科资源。尝试以智慧教育云平台为基础,以微课这一典型的个性化教学辅助资源形式为中心,立足于中学信息技术教学实际,研究如何开发出一套可用于辅助中学信息技术教学的微课资源库。   【关键词】 中学 信息技术 微课 资源库 智慧教育云平台  引言  “微课”这个概念,首
教学是教师在学生自觉积极参与下,以知识技能和熟练技巧武装学生的过程。教师的职责不仅是给学生传授知识,而且要能推动和激发学生从事一定的思维活动。只有通过自己的积极思维,才能使知识充实到自己头脑里,成为技能的组成部分。因此要收到良好的教学效果,除教师应积极钻研教材与掌握教材外,启发学生积极思维也是教学工作中非常重要的环节。怎样启发学生积极思维,我这里有三点体会:  一、必须认真钻研教材,严格组织教材,
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【摘 要】 讲评试卷是教学中一个重要环节,本文着重分析了基于“团队合作”的评卷教学模式。该教学模式以师生互动参与为教学载体,以激发学生团队合作品格为教学内涵,以培养学生自主学习能力为教学目的,教学实践证明,通过这种团队合作方式营造的和谐氛围可以更好地促进学生个体认知水平的提高。  【关键词】试卷讲评 团队合作 和谐    长期以来,受“应试教育”模式所禁锢,教师一直是试卷讲评的主體,整个教学过程忽
【摘要】 在语文教学中,要有顶层设计的意识,这不仅有利于着眼全篇,简化头绪,突出重点,以线带面,优化课堂结构,而且能科学地对文本进行全面、深层、准确地解读,从根本上提升语文阅读教学实效性。   【关键词】 语文课堂教学 顶层设计 基本原则  尘间美丽的事物各有形态,语文课也不例外。语文课堂教学涵盖了对語言的感知、内容的理解、主题的表达、情节的梳理、手法的运用等诸多问题,任何一堂课都不可能面面俱到,