他叫邓志德,是滇南哀牢山深处的绿春县人武部政工科中校科长。在这个哈尼族占全县总人口90%以上的边疆特困县,他已爬了14年山路。全县从县长书记、部长政委、到普通的干部职工,都亲切地叫他老邓。哈尼族民兵称呼他则具有民族特色,喜欢在“邓”字前面加个“阿”字。 邓志德1976年2月入伍到艰苦的滇西某部一线连队守了4年的边防后,于1979年9月调到滇南边防——绿春县人武部。报到的第三天,他就打起背包,步行到运输全靠人背马驮的哈尼山寨熟
His name is Deng Zhide. He is the chief of the lieutenant colonel of the Lvchun Military Police Department of Lvchun County in the depths of the Ailao Mountain in southern Yunnan. He has climbed the mountain road for 14 years in this special poverty-stricken border area where the Hani nation occupies more than 90% of the total population of the county. The county from the county secretary, minister of political commissar, to ordinary cadres and workers, all kindly call him Lao Deng. The Hani militia called him a national characteristic and likes to add the word “A” in front of “Deng”. Deng Zhide 1976 February enlisted to a difficult first-line company in western Yunnan Province after a 4-year border guards, in September 1979 transferred to southern Yunnan border - Lvchun County People's Armed Forces. On the third day of check-in, he started a backpack and walked to the hanny cottage