At the 1972 International Electronics Conference, Japan’s Fujitsu Ltd. announced a new semiconductor manufacturing technology - doped polysilicon process, the process can be applied to high-speed integrated circuits and microwave transistors. In current-type logic super-high speed integrated circuits and microwave transistors, since the electrode strip is very narrow (eg, MECL III from Motorola, one-way transfer delay time of 1 nanosecond and emitter width of 9000 angstroms to 1 micrometer) Generally use bubble emitter process. That is, when forming the emitter diffusion layer of the microwave transistor and the ECL circuit, a doped oxide layer is formed by the chemical vapor deposition method, and after the thermal diffusion, the emitter window is formed by the bubble emitter process, and then the aluminum electrode is formed. The bubble emitter process utilizes the difference in etching rate between the doped oxide layer (doped SiO 2) and the impurity-free silicon dioxide so that the emitter can be etched directly without using photolithographic masking (without emitter lithography)