这条新闻永远不会被那些倨傲的电信商所忽略:由信息产业 部和中国国际贸易促进会共同主办,中国邮电器材集团公司和中 国国际展览中心集团公司承建的,亚洲规模最大的信息通信展会 2005年中国国际通信设备技术展览会,于2005年10月18日~22日在北京中国国际展览中心隆重举 行。 如果是2年前,或许还不会引起这么大的轰动,不过随着中国3G时代的号角被吹响,一切都在 这次展会之后有了不同。就在展会中间,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理黄菊在信息产业部部 长王旭东等领导的陪同下,莅临2005年中国国际通信设备技术展览会。政府官员的视察同样是一个 信号,而黄菊副总理在参观在TD-SCDMA联盟展台时所说的话可以作为整个展会的宗旨:“TD- SCDMA今年取得了非常大的进展,实现了产业化的整体突破,这个成果是非常喜人的。你们要继续
This news will never be ignored by the proud telecom operators: the largest information and communication exhibition in Asia, co-sponsored by the Ministry of Information Industry and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the China Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Group Corporation and the China International Exhibition Center Group Corporation 2005 China International Telecommunications Equipment Technology Exhibition, on October 18, 2005 to 22 in Beijing China International Exhibition Center was held. If it was two years ago, maybe it will not cause such a big stir, but with the horn of China’s 3G era was sounded, everything is different after the show. In the middle of the show, Huang Ju, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, accompanied by leaders such as Wang Xudong, minister of the Ministry of Information Industry, came to the 2005 China International Telecommunications Equipment Technology Exhibition. The inspection by government officials is also a signal, and Deputy Prime Minister Huang Ju said during his visit to the booth of the TD-SCDMA Alliance as the tenet of the exhibition. "TD-SCDMA has made very great progress this year and has realized the industrialization as a whole Breakthrough, this result is very gratifying. You have to continue