世界冠军 (9月11日至10月10日) 9月11日 中国桥牌队在瑞士洛桑结束的IOC(国际奥委会)桥牌大赛决赛中,同巴西队战平,与巴西队并列冠军,这是中国队首次在世界大赛中夺冠。 9月13日 世界女排大奖赛总决赛在香港举行,巴西队以3比0击败卫冕冠军俄罗斯队,第3次夺得冠军。 9月26日 世界拳击理事会(WBC)重量级拳王刘易斯在美国华盛顿举行的拳王挑战赛中,苦战12回合才以微弱点数打败克罗地亚的挑战者马伍罗维奇,再次卫冕。 9月26日 英国拳手赫·海德在英国诺里进行的世界拳击组织(WBO)重量级拳王比赛中,击败挑战者、德国的菲舍尔,卫冕成功。
World Championships (September 11 to October 10) On September 11, China Bridge Team won the IOC (IOC) Bridge Tournament final in Lausanne, Switzerland, with Brazil and tied with Brazil It is the first time for the Chinese team to win the World Series. September 13 World Grand Prix Finals held in Hong Kong, Brazil defeated the defending champion Russia 3-0 team won the championship for the third time. Sept. 26 World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight champion Lewis defeated Croatia’s challenger Maruović in weak points 12 times in the boxing championship in Washington DC, defending again. September 26 British boxer Her Hyde defeated the challenger, Fischer of Germany, at the World Boxing Organization (WBO) heavyweight champion match in Norwich, England, to defend the title.