慢性肺心病急性发作期血液流变学监测,对进一步提高疗效和降低病死率具有重要意义。本文就我院内科收治的55例老年肺心病急性发作期血液流变学的有关指标进行分析,以探讨其变化规律。资料和方法 (一)、一般资料老年肺心病组55例,男43例,女12例,年龄60~80岁,平均65.5±6.47岁,均为急性发作期住院患者,中度26例,重度29例(按1977年全国第二次肺心病情分级评定)。对照组40例无心肺疾患的正常健康人。
Chronic pulmonary heart disease acute exacerbation of hemorheology monitoring, to further improve the efficacy and reduce mortality is of great significance. In this paper, 55 cases of elderly patients with pulmonary heart disease acute exacerbation of hemorheology in our hospital were analyzed to explore the changing rules. Materials and methods (a), general information 55 cases of elderly patients with pulmonary heart disease, 43 males and 12 females, aged 60 to 80 years, mean 65.5 ± 6.47 years, were hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation, 26 cases of moderate, severe 29 cases (according to the 1977 second national pulmonary heart disease grading). Control group of 40 patients without heart and lung disease of normal healthy people.