
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hebehehe
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1988年6月1日,全国中小学德育工作会议在北京召开,天津静海县教育局被评为全国德育工作先进单位。静海县教育局党委书记卢子扬捧回烫金的大奖状时,心情无比激动,但喜悦之余,卢子扬更愿意听一些批评和建议,所以后来当记者找到他时,他马上放下手里的工作,攀谈起来……令人深思的“灵魂”问题粉碎“四人帮”之后,一扫“读书无用”之风,学习热,考大学热,遍及全国。但同时,在随着对外开放而涌进来的“西方现代思潮”的影响下,在一些青年学生当中出现了信仰危机,有的甚至对社会主义制度产生丁怀疑。一些人把上大学作为“短期目标”,考上了,就认为端上了铁饭碗;落榜了,就自暴自弃,痛不欲生……至于在学生中轻视公益劳动,浪费粮食,鄙视体力劳动的现象更是不为鲜见。无疑,从某种意义上说,这是教育的一次失败。面对这种现象,静海县教育局的一班人意识到,作为人民的教育工作者责任重大! On June 1, 1988, the National Moral Education Work Conference for Primary and Secondary Schools was held in Beijing. The Jinghai County Education Bureau in Tianjin was named the national advanced unit in moral education. When Lu Ziyang, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Jinghai County Education Bureau, took home the gilded awards, he was extremely excited. However, Lucy Yang was more willing to listen to some criticisms and suggestions. When the reporter found him, he immediately put down his work and chatted. It was ... thought-provoking “soul” problem After smashing the “Gang of Four”, he swept away the “ready to use” style, studied the heat, studied the university fever, and spread all over the country. At the same time, under the influence of the “Western modern trend of thought” that has poured in with the opening-up to the outside world, there has been a crisis of belief among some young students, and some even have suspicions about the socialist system. Some people took college as a “short-term goal.” When they were admitted, they thought that they had an iron rice bowl. When they fell, they gave up on themselves, and they did not want to die. As for the phenomenon of despising public welfare labor, wasting food, and ignoring physical labor, it is even more so. Not rare. Undoubtedly, in a sense, this is a failure of education. In the face of this phenomenon, a group of people from Jinghai County Education Bureau realized that the educators as the people have a great responsibility!
这个问题是高中学生提出来的,提得很好,有一定启发性。下面就此问题谈点看法,以供参考。马(Equus caballus)和驴(Equus asinus)属同科但不同种。因此,马和驴进行杂交时,无论