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在二十五年改革开放的过程中,股份制和证券市场在我国逐步兴起发展,成为社会主义市场经济不可缺少的重要组成部分。到一九九八年底,我国境内上市公司由初期13家增到851家,市价总值从103亿元增至19500多亿元.投资者人数也超过3900万户。我国证券的健康发展和日益的成熟。是广大投资者所关心的事情。然而,上市公司能给投资者多少的投资回报也是广大投资者所关心的问题。其中,上市公司的利润分配就是主要问题之一。上市公司的股利分配形式主要有六种:派现、送股、派现并送股、派现并转增和派现。送股并转增。其中后四种形态是前两种基本形态的衍生物。国外成熟的股票市场,上市公司对股东的分配多以现金分红(派现)为主,而我国的股票市场中,上市公司现金股利比例较低和股份股利(送股)偏高是以往上市公司股利政策的一个 During the course of 25 years of reform and opening up, the shareholding system and the stock market have been gradually developing in our country and become an indispensable and important part of the socialist market economy. By the end of 1998, the number of domestic listed companies in China increased from 13 in the early days to 851, with the total market capitalization increasing from 19.3 billion yuan to more than 1.95 trillion yuan, with more than 39 million investors. The healthy development of the securities in our country and its growing maturity. Is the majority of investors are concerned about things. However, the return on investment that a listed company can give investors is also a matter of concern to investors. Among them, the profit distribution of listed companies is one of the major problems. Dividend distribution of listed companies in the form of six main types: cash, send shares, cash and send shares, cash dividends and cash dividends. Send shares and increase. The latter four forms are the first two basic morphological derivatives. In foreign mature stock markets, the distribution of shareholders in listed companies is mainly cash dividends (cash dividends), while in China's stock market, the proportion of cash dividends of listed companies is low and the stock dividends (bonus) are high, Dividend policy one
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