
来源 :中国食品工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivy2357
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中国食品工业是全国三大工业之一。从1980年起每年均以12%以上速度增长,1993年产品总值达360亿美元叫994年,中国包装工业产品总出口额高达108亿美元,较93年增长17%。 自80年代开始,中国食品工业已动用超过10亿美元引进外国先进的食品和包装加工机械及设备,预计到2000年,全国中小型企业食品生产将会全面机械化和自动化。 据有关部门的统计资料显示,过去13年来凭着引进外国先进的包装机械和技术,藉此提高国内同业之包装生产质素和数 China’s food industry is one of the three major industries in the country. Since 1980, the annual growth rate has been above 12%. In 1993, the total value of products reached 36 billion U.S. dollars. In 1993, the total export value of China’s packaging industry was as high as 10.8 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 17% over 1993. Since the 1980s, the Chinese food industry has spent more than one billion US dollars to introduce advanced foreign food and packaging processing machinery and equipment. It is estimated that by the year 2000, the food production of small and medium-sized enterprises across the country will be fully mechanized and automated. Statistics from the relevant departments show that in the past 13 years, with the introduction of foreign advanced packaging machinery and technologies, the quality and quantity of the domestic packaging industry
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