随着新媒体的快速发展,信息传播领域的“微时代”已经到来,这使得高校在应对突发事件过程中面临着更加错综复杂的内外部环境,表现为高校突发事件极易转化为网络舆情,也对高校学生工作在突发事件的管理与应对方面提出了更加多元化的要求.高校应当建立健全危机预警机制、信息发布机制、舆论引导机制、思想教育机制和善后恢复机制,及时处置突发事件,迅速发布正确信息,主动引导网络舆论走向,努力提高管理人员和学生的思想政治素养,做好危机善后工作,以积极应对“微时代”背景下的高校网络舆情.“,”With the rapid development of new media,the micro era has arrived.The colleges and universities in the process of dealing with emergencies are facing more complex internal and external environment,thus,the unexpected accidents in colleges can be easily turned into online public opinion in this situation.In the meantime,the emergency management and response of student work department are facing more and more diversified demand.