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今年是中华人民共和国成立60周年,共和国的外交也随之经历了相同的岁月。从1949年到2009年,先后有周恩来、陈毅、姬鹏飞、乔冠华、黄华、吴学谦、钱其琛、唐家璇、李肇星和杨洁篪,共10人担任过外交部长。这10位部长为新中国的外交添光加彩,作出了各自不同的贡献。而作为外交家,他们那敏锐的辨识能力、出色的应对能力,以及高超的语言艺术,往往令人惊叹不已。这里,选取几位外长的精彩言谈,让我们一同去领略他们的口才魅力。 This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Diplomacy of the Republic has also experienced the same period of time. From 1949 to 2009, a total of 10 foreign ministers including Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi, Ji Pengfei, Qiao Guanhua, Huang Hua, Wu Xueqian, Qian Qichen, Tang Jiaxuan, Li Zhaoxing and Yang Jiechi were successively present. These 10 ministers made different contributions to the diplomacy of New China. And as diplomats, their keen ability to recognize, excellent coping skills, and superb language arts are often marvelous. Here, the wonderful speech of several foreign ministers is chosen so that we can enjoy the eloquence together.
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