Integrating insulin-like growth factor 1 and sex hormones into neuroprotection: Implications for dia

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yughg
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Brain integrity and cognitive aptitude are often impaired in patients with diabetes mellitus, presumably a result of the metabolic complications inherent to the disease. However, an increasing body of evidence has demonstrated the central role of insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF1) and its relation to sex hormones in many neuroprotective processes. Both male and female patients with diabetes display abnormal IGF1 and sexhormone levels but the comparison of these fluctuations is seldom a topic of interest. It is interesting to note that both IGF1 and sex hormones have the ability to regulate phosphoinositide 3-kinase-Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinases-extracellular signal-related kinasesignaling cascades in animal and cell culture models of neuroprotection. Additionally, there is considerable evidence demonstrating the neuroprotective coupling of IGF1 and estrogen. Androgens have also been implicated in many neuroprotective processes that operate on similar signaling cascades as the estrogen-IGF1 relation. Yet, androgens have not been directly linked to the brain IGF1 system and neuroprotection. Despite the sex-specific variations in brain integrity and hormone levels observed in diabetic patients, the IGF1-sex hormone relation in neuroprotection has yet to be fully substantiated in experimental models of diabetes. Taken together, there is a clear need for the comprehensive analysis of sex differences on brain integrity of diabetic patients and the relationship between IGF1 and sex hormones that may influence brain-health outcomes. As such, this review will briefly outline the basic relation of diabetes and IGF1 and its role in neuroprotection. We will also consider the findings on sex hormones and diabetes as a basis for separately analyzing males and females to identify possible hormone-induced brain abnormalities. Finally, we will introduce the neuroprotective interplay of IGF1 and estrogen and how androgen-derived neuroprotection operates through similar signaling cascades. Future research on both neuroprotection and diabetes should include androgens into the interplay of IGF1 and sex hormones. Brain integrity and cognitive aptitude are often impaired in patients with diabetes mellitus, presumably a result of the metabolic complications inherent to the disease. However, an increasing body of evidence has been the central role of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) and its relation to sex hormones in many neuroprotective processes. Both male and female patients with diabetes display abnormal IGF1 and sexhormone levels but the comparison of these fluctuations is seldom a topic of interest. It is interesting to note that both IGF1 and sex hormones have the ability to regulate phosphoinositide 3-kinase-Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinases-extracellular signal-related kinasesignaling cascades in animal and cell culture models of neuroprotection. Additionally, there is considerable evidence demonstrating the neuroprotective coupling of IGF1 and estrogen. Androgens have also been implicated in many neuroprotective processes that operate on similar signaling cascades as t Yet the sex-specific variations in brain integrity and hormone levels observed in diabetic patients, the IGF1-sex hormone relation in neuroprotection has yet to be fully substantiated in experimental models of diabetes. Taken together, there is a clear need for the comprehensive analysis of sex differences on brain integrity of diabetic patients and the relationship between IGF1 and sex hormones that may influence brain-health outcomes. review will briefly outline the basic relation of diabetes and IGF1 and its role in neuroprotection. We will also consider the findings on sex hormones and diabetes as a basis for running proficiency in males and females to identify possible hormone-induced brain abnormalities. introduce the neuroprotective interplay of IGF1 and estrogen and how androgen-derived neuroprotection via through similar siFuture research on both neuroprotection and diabetes should include androgens into the interplay of IGF1 and sex hormones.
7月19-20日,第四届中国数字出版年会在北京召开。本届年会以“数字出版:新发展新举措新期待”为主题,举行了主论坛、分论坛、国家数字出版基地建设圆桌会议、出版集团数字传媒公司发展圆桌会议、贸易签约、成果展览展示等多场活动,深刻而全面地展现了2011年以来,中国数字出版产业各方面取得的突出进展。  产业持续发力,取得重大突破  7月19日上午的开幕式上,新闻出版总署副署长孙寿山出席并作主旨发言。孙寿
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例1 (1)我国第一艘航母“辽宁舰”在某次舰载机起降飞行训练中,有5架“歼-15”飞机准备着舰,如果甲、乙两机必须相邻着舰,而丙、丁两机不能相邻着舰,那么不同的着舰方法数是 .  (2)从6人中选4人分别到湖北的武当山、大九湖、三峡人家、恩施大峡谷四个景点游览,要求每个景点有一人游览,每人只游览一个景点,且这6人中甲、乙两人不去武当山游览,则不同的选择方案共有( )种.  A. 300种 B. 2