尿毒症是慢性肾功能不全的终末阶段,其临床表现复杂,既可有水电解质代谢和酸碱平衡紊乱,又可有毒性代谢产物潴留产生的各系统症状,临床上常易误诊。为提高诊断正确率,本文收集十余年来院内外误诊为心血管疾病的尿毒症28例进行了分析。其中误诊为原发性高血压13例,扩张型心肌病8例,风湿性心脏病4例,结核性心包炎3例。现分析如下。 1 误诊类型与分析 1.1 误诊为原发性高血压:例1,女,55岁,因头昏、血压增高2年入院。查体:血压25/17kPa。胸片示
Uremia is the terminal stage of chronic renal insufficiency, and its clinical manifestations of complex, both water and electrolyte metabolism and acid-base balance disorders, but also toxic metabolites retention system symptoms, often misdiagnosed clinically. In order to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, this article collected more than 10 years of misdiagnosis of cardiovascular disease in hospital 28 cases were analyzed. Misdiagnosed as 13 cases of essential hypertension, dilated cardiomyopathy in 8 cases, 4 cases of rheumatic heart disease, 3 cases of tuberculous pericarditis. Analysis is as follows. 1 misdiagnosis type and analysis 1.1 misdiagnosed as essential hypertension: Example 1, female, 55 years old, due to dizziness, blood pressure increased 2 years admitted. Physical examination: blood pressure 25 / 17kPa. Chest radiograph shows