随着2013 UIA-霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛评审工作的完美落幕,霍普杯如今已成为国内最具影响力的大学生建筑设计竞赛之一。作为两届霍普杯竞赛的评委会成员,我有幸参与了学生作品的全程评审工作,也一路见证了霍普杯的成长。1.霍普杯的诞生对于校园内的建筑设计竞赛,我相信每个建筑专业的学生都或多或少经历过,对此并不陌生。然而,尽管国内有很多大学生建筑设计竞赛,但兼具国际化、高规格和持续性的竞赛却屈指可数。霍普建筑一直希望为大学生的成长做些力所能及的贡献,因此与UIA(国际建筑师协会)和UED杂志
With the perfect ending of the 2013 UIA-Hope International Collegiate Architecture Competition, the Hope Cup has now become one of the most influential college architecture competitions in China. As a member of the Jockey Club for the two-time Hope Cup contest, I was fortunate enough to participate in the entire assessment of student work and also witnessed the growth of the Hope Cup. 1. The Birth of the Hope Cup For the architectural design competitions on campus, I believe there is no stranger to the more or less experienced students in each architecture major. However, despite the large number of university student architecture competitions in China, there are only a handful of competitions of internationalization, high standards and continuity. Hope Construction has always wanted to contribute to the growth of college students as much as possible, so with the UIA (International Association of Architects) and UED Magazine