20世纪90年代初,台湾饮食业商人纷纷涉足大陆,以京津为他们抢占的首要制高点。当时大陆的快食面业处于一种诸候割据,群龙无首的局面,产品质次、品低、缺少一种可以一呼百应的名牌。正当不少台商、港商跃跃欲试之时,台湾顶新集团,一马当先,横冲直达,先声夺人推出了“康师傅”快食面。 结果“康师傅”抢占了中国大陆许多市场,其它欲来涉足的商人只能摇头退去,而作为台湾饮食业的“龙
In the early 90s of the 20th century, Taiwanese catering traders entered the mainland one after another, taking Beijing and Tianjin as their top commanding points. At that time, the fast food industry in the mainland was in a state of separatism, and there was no such thing as a group of dragons. The product quality, product quality, and the lack of a brand name that could be called for. At a time when many Taiwanese businessmen and Hong Kong businessmen were eager to try, Taiwan’s top new group took the lead and rushed forward. It pioneered the launch of the “Master Kong” fast food noodles. As a result, Master Kong seized a lot of markets in mainland China. Other businessmen who wanted to get involved only shook their heads and used it as a dragon in Taiwan’s catering industry.