目的了解广东省3个示范区各类人群艾滋病相关知识、态度及高危行为情况,为采取针对性的艾滋病健康教育及干预措施提供依据。方法在广东省3个艾滋病综合防治示范区,采用方便抽样的方法,对一般人群及高危人群进行调查,调查内容包括社会人口学、艾滋病的基本知识、态度及高危性行为情况。结果共调查一般人群1 826人,高危人群838人。居民、学生、吸毒人群、暗娼、性病患者的艾滋病知识知晓率分别为60.3%7、2.6%、66.1%、56.0%、45.0%;吸毒人群注射吸毒率为76.3%,近6个月共用针具率为30.5%,艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染率为15.1%;暗娼人群近3个月持续使用安全套率为21.4%,近6个月性病患病率为31.8%,近12个月注射过毒品率为8.5%;性病患者中最近3个月内有非婚性伴率为42.9%,近3个月内与非婚性伴每次都用安全套率为3.3%。结论3个示范区人群艾滋病知识知晓率较低,高危人群高危行为的发生率及HIV感染率较高,应加强艾滋病健康教育及行为干预措施。
Objective To understand AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and high-risk behavior of all kinds of people in three demonstration areas in Guangdong Province, and to provide evidences for targeted AIDS health education and interventions. Methods A total of 3 HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment demonstration zones in Guangdong Province were surveyed by using convenient sampling method. The survey included general survey of social demography, basic knowledge and attitude of HIV / AIDS and high-risk behaviors. Results A total of 1 826 people were surveyed in the general population and 838 were at high risk. AIDS awareness among residents, students, drug addicts, sex workers and STD patients was 60.3% 7,2.6%, 66.1%, 56.0% and 45.0% respectively; the rate of drug abuse among injecting drug users was 76.3% The rate of HIV infection was 15.5%. The rate of condom use by the female sex workers was 21.4% for the last 3 months, 31.8% for the past 6 months and the rate of injecting drugs in the past 12 months 8.5%; STD patients in the last 3 months with non-marital companion was 42.9%, nearly 3 months and non-marital sex with each condom rate was 3.3%. Conclusion The awareness rate of HIV / AIDS among the three demonstration areas is relatively low. The incidence of high-risk behaviors and HIV infection among high-risk groups is high. Health education and behavioral interventions should be strengthened.