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企业是一个组织,但不是一个简单的经济组织,而是一个社会的器官,是社会中的一个社区,组织成员就是社会公民。它生存的基本法则如下:与时俱进民营企业与时代进步同步伐,与科学发展相符合,与社会和谐共命运,才会发展。浙江民营企业的成长发展史充分证明了这一点:当党的工作重心大转移,强调经济建设为中心之始,浙江的个私经济冒头,这叫先发:当市场经济体制建立之初,浙江的乡镇企业改制了,这叫敢冒;当外向经济已成趋势,浙江企业跳出浙江,遍及全国,这叫敢闯;面临科学发展宏观调控,浙江民企闻风而动,自觉适应,这叫转型。现在构建和谐社会,浙江民营企业也应该积极参与社会建设,承担社会责任,塑造一个全新的市场经济主体,社会责任主体的新形象。 A company is an organization, but it is not a simple economic organization but a social organ. It is a community in a society. Organizational members are social citizens. The basic rules for its existence are as follows: Advancing with the times The progress of private enterprises and the pace of the times, in line with scientific development, and the fate of social harmony, will develop. The history of growth and development of private enterprises in Zhejiang has fully demonstrated this point: When the party’s work focus shifted, with emphasis on economic construction at the beginning, Zhejiang’s private economy has started to rise. This is called the first strike: when the market economy system was established, Zhejiang The restructuring of the township and village enterprises, this is called dare to take the risk; when the outward economy has become a trend, Zhejiang enterprises out of Zhejiang, all over the country, this is called dare to face; facing the scientific macro-control, the development of private enterprises in Zhejiang, consciously adapt, this is called transformation. Now that a harmonious society has been established, private enterprises in Zhejiang should also actively participate in social construction, undertake social responsibilities, and shape a brand-new market economic entity and a new image of the main body of social responsibility.
1. 国际贸易中心大厦全国最高主体工程巳经结束的国贸大厦,总高168.5米,共53层,其中地上50层,高160米,地下三层,深8.5米。室内电梯一次可至地上第44层,高138米。室外观赏电
Unit 7 1.What does he look like?他看上去什么样子?(1)这句话是用来询问人的长相的,回答时用He has a medium build.(他是中等体格),或者是He!s tall and thin with brown
本栏目由本刊与阳光巴士智业机构联合打造    阳光巴士是国内目前针对中小创业者最为权威的创业指导公司之一,自2003年“阳光巴士创业网”创办以来,现已帮助两千余人成功开店创业,其中40%以上的会员开有分店。  在近四年的专业创业指导过程中,阳光巴士积累了丰富的创业指导经验,同时也以提供给创业者专业性强,可操作性高的创业方案而闻名个人创业指导领域。本栏目将实现读者、杂志与阳光巴士三方互动,让准备创业