目的 :评价判断急性下壁心肌梗死 (AIMI)梗死相关血管的心电图新标准。方法 :将 1999年 11月~ 2 0 0 1年 8月我科收治的 76例AIMI患者 ,依V3 导联ST段压低与Ⅲ导联ST段抬高的比值 (STV3 /Ⅲ )分为 3组 :V3 /Ⅲ <0 .5 ,V3 /Ⅲ≥ 0 .5~≤ 1.2 ,V3 /Ⅲ >1.2。通过冠状动脉造影 (CAG)观察三组患者梗死相关血管是右冠状动脉 (RCA)近段、RCA远段还是左回旋支 (LCX)。结果 :V3 /Ⅲ <0 .5组梗死相关血管是RCA近段 ,V3 /Ⅲ≥0 .5~≤ 1.2组梗死相关血管是RCA远段 ,V3 /Ⅲ >1.2组梗死相关血管是LCX。结论 :STV3 /Ⅲ是判断AIMI冠状动脉堵塞位置较好标准 ,同时它还能帮助判断RCA堵塞是位于近段还是远段
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a new standard of electrocardiogram for evaluating infarct-related blood vessels in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction (AIMI). Methods: A total of 76 patients with AIMI admitted to our department from November 1999 to August 2001 were divided into 3 groups according to the ratio of ST segment depression to ST segment elevation in lead Ⅲ (STV3 / Ⅲ) : V3 / III <0.5, V3 / III≥0.5 ~ <1.2, V3 / III> 1.2. Coronary artery angiography (CAG) was used to observe the infarction-related vessels in the proximal coronary arteries (RCA), distal RCA or left circumflex artery (LCX). Results: The infarction-related blood vessels in V3 / Ⅲ <0.5 group were proximal RCA, and the infarct-related blood vessels in V3 / Ⅲ≥0.5 ~ <1.2 group were far from RCA. The infarction-related blood vessels in V3 / III> 1.2 group were LCX. CONCLUSIONS: STV3 / Ⅲ is a good standard for judging the occlusion position of coronary artery in AIMI, and it can also help to determine if RCA occlusion is located in proximal or distal segment