湖北潜江市——王健:我家去年种的番茄枝繁叶茂,开的花很多,但结果很少。没有发现病虫害,以为是缺肥所致。我接连补追了两次肥,并没有改变花多果少的局面,造成减产。我今年仍准备种番茄。特来信询问:结果少的原因及解决办法。还问一下番茄如何催熟。 华中农业大学园艺系郑世发答:据你信中反映的情况判断,番茄花多果少的主要原因是落花落果。而落花落果严重主要是环境条件不适宜或栽培不当所致。例如:春季定植后气温过低(夜间温度在15℃以下),秋季栽培时气温过高(夜间温度25℃以上),移植过迟,根部受伤过多,影响根的吸收机能等等,都会引起落花,落果。落花落果多了,结果就很少。另外,营养生长过旺,植株表现徒长,也
Qianjiang City, Hubei Province - Wang Jian: My family last year’s tomato variety of leafy, open a lot of flowers, but the results rarely. Did not find pests and diseases, that is caused by lack of fat. I have chased after another two fat, and did not change the situation of less fruit, resulting in cut. I still plan to grow tomatoes this year. Special letter to ask: the less the causes and solutions. Also ask how to ripe tomatoes. Huazhong Agricultural University, Department of Horticulture Zheng Shifa A: According to your letter to reflect the situation to judge, tomato flower less fruit is the main reason is falling. The drop is serious mainly due to improper environmental conditions or cultivation due to improper. For example: the spring after planting temperature is too low (night temperature below 15 ℃), autumn cultivation temperature is too high (night temperature above 25 ℃), transplantation too late, excessive root injury, affecting the root absorption function, etc., will cause Falling flowers, falling fruit. Dropped more fruit, the result is very small. In addition, vegetative growth, plant performance leggy, too