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在当今中国文坛上,活跃着一支由离退休外交官组成的作家队伍。在他们的笔下,“克什米尔公主号”飞机失事的真相,基辛格秘密访华的内幕,“超级大国”苏联解体的缘由,柏林墙修建和拆除的始末,……中外外交史上惊心动魄的一幕幕,都在读者面前重现,扣人心弦,发人深省。 人们注意到,在这支队伍中,有一位作家特别活跃。他出手快,著作多,选材独特,名字频频出现在各种报刊和图书上,深受读者青睐和同行赞许。他,叫李同成,是从黄土高原步入外交界和文学界的三晋之子。他那带有传奇色彩的经历和五彩缤纷的外事题材作品,谱成了一曲曲壮美动人的乐章。 “我长大要当作家!” 1929年,李同成出生在翼城县南史村一个贫穷的农民家庭。添丁进口,对穷人来说,同样是一件大喜事,况且他还是李家的一根“独苗”。父母特别疼爱他、呵护他,在他懂事时,就千 In today’s Chinese literary world, there is an active team of writers composed of retired diplomats. In their writings, the truth about the plane crash of “Kashmir Princess”, Kissinger’s secretive visit to China, the reason for the “superpower” disintegration of the Soviet Union, the construction and demolition of the Berlin Wall, ... the thrilling scene in the diplomatic history of China and foreign countries , Are reproduced in front of readers, exciting, thought-provoking. It is noted that one of the writers in this team is particularly active. His shot faster, more books, unique selection, the name appears frequently in various newspapers and books, favored by readers and peers praise. He, called Li Tongcheng, is the son of the Jin Dynasty who steps into the diplomatic and literary circles from the Loess Plateau. With his legendary experience and colorful foreign affairs, his work has become a beautiful and moving music movement. “I grew up to be a writer!” In 1929, Li Tongcheng was born in a poor peasant family in Nanshi Village, Yicheng County. Tim imports, for the poor, the same is a happy event Moreover, he is still a “single child” Li. Parents love him very much and care for him