Design of Experimental Data Publishing Software for Neutral Beam Injector on EAST

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vvpmlc
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Neutral Beam Injection(NBI) is one of the most effective means for plasma heating.Experimental Data Publishing Software(EDPS) is developed to publish experimental data to get the NBI system under remote monitoring.In this paper,the architecture and implementation of EDPS including the design of the communication module and web page display module are presented.EDPS is developed based on the Browser/Server(B/S) model,and works under the Linux operating system.Using the data source and communication mechanism of the NBI Control System(NBICS),EDPS publishes experimental data on the Internet. Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) is one of the most effective means for plasma heating. Experimental Data Publishing Software (EDPS) is developed to publish experimental data to get the NBI system under remote monitoring. In this paper, the architecture and implementation of EDPS including the design of the communication module and the web page display module are presented. EDPS is developed based on the Browser / Server (B / S) model, and works under the Linux operating system. Using the data source and communication mechanism of the NBI Control System (NBICS), EDPS publishes experimental data on the Internet.
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