无损检验是不破坏零件就能检查出零件中或零件表面缺陷的方法。渗透检验则是检验零件表面缺陷的方法。包括萤光渗透检验和着色渗透检验两大类。这两类又各分为水洗型、后乳化型和溶剂去除型三个系统,按灵敏度由高到低和按检验费用由高到低排列为如下六个系统: 1.后乳化型萤光渗透系统; 2.溶剂去除型萤光渗透系统; 3.水洗型萤光渗透系统; 4.后乳化型着色渗透系统; 5.溶剂去除型着色渗透系统; 6.水洗型着色渗透系统。航空工厂生产工序检验主要采用水洗型萤光渗透系统和后乳化型萤光渗透系统。大零件的局部检验或外场条件下的检验常采用溶剂去除型萤光或着色渗透检验系统。
Nondestructive testing is the method of inspecting parts or surface defects without breaking parts. Penetration test is to test the surface defects of the method. Including fluorescent penetrant inspection and coloring penetration test two categories. These two categories are divided into washing type, after the emulsion type and solvent removal of the three systems, according to the sensitivity from high to low and according to the test cost descending order of six systems as follows: 1. After the emulsion-type fluorescent penetration System; 2. Solvent-removing fluorescent penetrating system; 3. Fluorescent fluorescent penetrating system; 4. Post-emulsifying colored penetrating system; 5. Solvent-removing colored penetrating system; Aviation factory inspection of the production process mainly using water-based fluorescence permeation system and post-emulsion fluorescence permeation system. Large parts of the local inspection or field conditions often used solvent removal test fluorescent or staining penetration system.