在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年之际,来自山东省和辽宁省的音乐家们同台演出的交响音乐会,在中山公园音乐堂上演,是一件可喜可贺的事情。喜,在于他们为党的生日献上了一份厚礼;贺,在于他们在这次活动中做出了骄人的成绩。作为党的80寿 辰的献礼,两省音乐家们的晋京演出也是代表着全国父老乡亲们的一份心愿和祝福,因而他们不负重望,饱含真情奏(唱)出了全国人民的心声。 这场名为“阳光”的交响音乐会,是为庆祝建党80周年而推出的交响音乐会三部曲之一;另外两场名为“祖国”和“希望”的交响音乐会,分别由中国交响乐团和深圳交响乐团出演。这三场交响音乐会,是由中宣
At the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, symphony concerts performed by musicians from Shandong Province and Liaoning Province on the same stage were staged at the Zhongshan Park Concert Hall. Hi, because they gave a big gift for the birthday of the party; he is that they have made outstanding achievements in this event. As part of the 80th birthday gift of the party, Jincheng performances by musicians of the two provinces represent a wish and blessing for all the countrymen and their relatives. Therefore, they live up to their true feelings and sing out the aspirations of the people throughout the country. The symphony concert entitled “Sunshine” is one of the symphony concert trilogy introduced to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the party. The other two symphony concerts, entitled “Motherland” and “Hope,” were conducted by China Symphony Orchestra and Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra. These three symphony concerts are announced by the Central Propaganda Department