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  关键词:否定句 翻译
  1. Introduction:Definition and different expressions of negative sentences
  "The sentence that makes negative judgment for something is a negative sentence".In Chinese, negative meaning is expressed by means of words.That is to say,negative sentences are marked by negative words,for example,"不、无、否、非、没、莫、勿、未、毋、弗" and so on.Besides,it also includes the below phrase,such as"决不、毫无、并非、没有、未尝".
  Meanwhile,besides using some negative words (no,not,never,neither,hardly,rarely,few,little etc ) to express negative meaning in English, there are still other different ways for negative meaning expressions.One is to add some prefix or suffix to certain words,such as: no-,non-,in-,dis-,un-, im-,-less etc. What’s more,the means of syntax can also express negative meaning,such as too---to,anything---but,not---but and so on.At the same time,the comparative structure can also express negative meaning,such as: more---than,rather than---,less than---,no more---than,no less---than etc.
  2. Types and common mistakes of negative sentence
  2.1Types of negative sentence and translation.
  To command negative sentence,we must firstly make clear that how many types are there in the negative sentence? According to the study of translation circles,the negative sentence can be divided into five types,these are complete negation,partial negation,double negation,negation transformation,implied negation.
  2.1.1 Complete negation.
  Complete negation is one negative word in a sentence.Usually,it is made up by "none/no/not/neither/nobody/nothing/never/nowhere etc affirmative predicate"
  Eg: (1)"Nowhere is the home of the little girl."Let’s look at the sentence,here the negative word is "nowhere",and the affirmative predicate is "is".Thus,this is a complete negative sentence.It can be translated as"这个小女孩没有家"。
  (2) "Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it".
  In this proverb,"nothing" is the negative word,and "is" is the affirmative predicate.Therefore, this is a complete negative sentence.As we known,this is "世上无难事,只怕有心人"in Chinese.
  2.1.2 Partial negation
  Partial negation negatives the partial meaning of a sentence,it is contrary to complete negation.Usually,it is made up by some pronouns and adverbials with partial meaning (Eg:some,somebody,somewhere,something etc) negation predicate.   Eg: (1) Somewhere in the earth has no water.地球上的一些地方没有水.
  (2)During the vacation,somebody don’t go to outside for traveling instead of staying at home for studying.假期中,一些人不是旅行在外,而是呆在家学习.
  (3) All is not gold that glitters.发光的并不都是金子.
  (4)The children can not read all of the books."这个孩子并非能读懂所有的书".
  To take note,in one sentence,if "and"is used to link up two adverbials,attributives or predicative,"not" just to negative the latter part behind "and",Eg:
  (1) That TV plays is not interesting and instructive.
  (2) She didn’t explain this text correctly and clearly.
  In the above examples,if change the "and" into "or",the whole sentence will become complete negation,it can be translated into"那部电视剧既没有趣味,也无教育意义","她对这篇课文讲解得既不正确,也不够清楚".
  2.1.3Double negation
  Double negation is that two negative words in one sentences,it expresses affirmative meaning.The main difference between double negation and general affirmative sentence is that the feeling of double negation is stronger. Eg:
  (1)"Nobody will be admitted to touch these articles unless they have been permitted".
  “没有特许证,任何人都不能触摸这些家具。” 或 “除非有特许证,人们才可以触摸这些家具。”
  (2) There is no rule that has no exception.
  Besides, the structure "cannot---too"is also a particular structure to express the double negation.Eg:
  "We cannot be too careful in doing chemical experiment".
  2.1.4 Negation transformation.
  Negation transformation is that the negative word is to negative the certain part of a sentence(usually it negatives the predicate part),but from the sentence meaning,it negatives another part of this sentence,that is to say,the negative part transform from one part to another.
  Eg: (1) He doesn’t think we need worry.
  (2) It doesn’t seem as if it is going to rain.
  There are another verbs that have the same function,such as appear,feel, sound, taste, seem, smell etc.
  2.1.5 Implied negation.
  Implied negation is that the form of sentence is affirmative,but actually it express a kind of negative meaning,we call such sentence as "implied negation".And such sentences often appear in the subjunctive mood leaded by "If" ,and the question sentences.Eg:
  (1) If you had told me about it.
  (2)What is the use of it?
  Besides, the structure of comparative degree and syntax of "the last attributive clause" can also express implied negation,such as:   (1) He is more dead than alive.
  (2) This is the last place where I expected to meet you.
  What’s more, there are some words or verb phrases can also express implied negation,such as:"far from---,beyond,avoid,fail,free from,be out of" etc.For example:
  (1) He is far from being wise.
  (2) Stop talking.
  2.2 Common mistakes in translating negative sentences.
  Due to many differences in expressing negation between Chinese and English,Chinese students often translate negative sentences in their own thinking and habit.Eg:
  "There is hardly a person will do such things without thinking carefully in their mind".
  In this sentence, "hardly---without" constitutes double negation,but we often only notice of "without" and ignore the "hardly". In view of this, it is unavoided to make such mistake. Therefore,this sentence can be translated into "认真考虑过的人,都不会做这样的事".
  Besides,in some complex sentences,we should pay more attention to negation,such as:
  "True ,not everyone sees me as you saw me or even as I see myself;but deep down inside I have that marvelous feeling that comes from being an integrated whole person,not afraid of being just what I can".
  Here, true is the ellipsis of "It is true that---","as"means"像,如同","deep down inside"is the adverbial of the clause of "but",means"内心深处"and "that" lead an attributive clause,so we can translate this sentence into"的确,并不是每个人都像你那样看待我,也不像我自己那样看待我自己,然而在内心深处我有一种说不出的美妙的感觉,这是我塑造我自己的完整性格,并且毫无顾忌地坚持自我的结果".
  Taking all these into account,from the discussion we can see that the negative sentences have so many kinds that we often can’t command it well.Therefore,when we translate it,we must pay more attention to it. In other word,when we translate negative sentence,except using some special skills and remembering some special usages,we also cannot be too careful about it.
数学是锻炼思维的体操,它在提高人的推理能力、抽象能力、想象力和创造力等方面有着独特的作用。对学生数学思维的培养在教学中占有极为重要的地位,教师如何训练学生思维、培养他们解决问题的能力并开拓他们的创新精神,乃是当前素质教育中的数学思维教育的核心。笔者就此进行探索,谈谈自己的一些见解。  一、提高教师对教育的认识,是培养学生数学思维的前提  1、明确教育的作用与目的任务  教育有两大作用:一是教学生学
摘要:中学英语教学中,一些青年教师多讲、反复强调、学生多练,往往效果不佳。笔者结合多年的教学经验,在英语教学中采用了交流-互动的教学方法,无论学生的学习兴趣、还是考试检测来看,都收到事半功倍的效果。今简述之,以求教于大方之家!  关键词:中学英语 教学 交流 互动  一、运用“交流—互动”教学模式,进行英语课堂有效教学  “交流—互动”教学的基本模式结构为:教师启动—学生自学—小组讨论—组际
摘要:在小学数学教学中,如何最大限度地开发学生的潜能,激发学生的学习动机,有目的、有计划、有步骤地培养学生的创新思维能力,是小学数学教师当前务必具有的基本技能。文章从培养学生的创新思维出发,分析了在数学教学中应如何贯彻创新教学,培养学生的创新能力。  关键词:小学数学 创新教学  创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家发展的不竭动力。在当今这个竞争激烈、变化迅猛的知识经济时代,更需要具有创新意识和创
摘要:“数学是锻炼思维的体操”,数学本身就具有发展学生智力的功能。培养学生初步的逻辑思维能力是小学数学教学目的和要求的一个重要方面。数学知识的掌握和逻辑思维能力的培养是相辅相成的,不依赖逻辑思维是不能学好数学的;科学的数学教学,也必然有助于逻辑思维的提高。  关键词:利用教材 培养学生 思维能力  什么是思维能力呢?新课程标准明确提出:思维能力是指一个人能运用各种符号或信息有效地进行思维,
数学课堂教学过程是数学知识的传递过程,也是师生之间进行信息传输和情感交流的过程。教师语言的表达方式和质量直接影响着学生对知识的接受和掌握,教师通过教学语言把知识传授给学生,建立良好的师生情谊,使学生坚定学习的自信心。现就结合本人的教学经验,谈谈自己的几点看法。  一、多让学生训练讲解题思路  数学解题的思路,就是指数学思想方法,它是数学知识最本质的概括,是数学的精髓。学习数学只有掌握了数学思想方法
背景与目的   人胰腺癌是一种预后极差的高度恶性肿瘤。其发病率和死亡率之比为 1:0.99。   五年生存率
摘要:新的课程改革以全新的理念展现于我们面前,新的教育理论对课程目标、课程结构、课程内容、教学方式、学习方式、课程评价及课程管理等都进行了变革,在新理念下如何适应新教材,如何提高课堂教学的质量,这是摆在我们每一位教师面前的一道必选的探索题。自己在平时的教学中不断摸索、探究,与同事研讨,认为新理念下的数学课堂教学,要体现以学为主、适时点拨、“搞活开放”。  关键词:提高 高中 数学 教学 质