第七课:吉他“骨干”音 到底什么是“骨干”音(Shell Voicinges)呢?这是爵士和声编配中的一个术语,经常被爵士钢琴手使用,它指的是和弦中最重要、最精华的和弦音。你是否听爵士钢琴演奏中有这样的感觉,有时演奏者用左手只敲出和弦的两三个音,但音乐听上
Lesson 7: Guitar “backbone” sound In the end what is the “backbone” sound (Shell Voicinges) it? This is a term used in jazz harmonization, often used by jazz pianists, to refer to the most important and essential chord in chords. Whether you listen to the jazz piano has the feeling that sometimes the player knocks out only two or three chords of the chord with his left hand,