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  24 July.
  Today is Sunday. I do love Sundays. Father says: You children have Sundays every day. That’s quite true in the holidays, but not at other times. The peasants and their wives and children are all very gay, wearing
  1)Tyrolese dresses, just like those I have seen in the
  theatre. We are wearing our white dresses today, and I have made a great cherry stain upon mine, not on purpose, but because I sat down upon some fallen cherries. So this afternoon when we go out walking I must wear my pink dress. All the better, for I don’t care to be dressed
  exactly the same as Dora. I don’t see why everyone should know that we are sisters. Let people think we are cousins. She does not like it either; I wish I knew why. Oswald is
  coming in a week, and I am awfully pleased. He is older than Dora, but I can always get on with him. Hella writes that she finds it dull without me; so do I.
  25 July.
   I wrote to Fraülein Prückl today. She is staying at 2)Achensee. I should like to see her. Every
  afternoon we bathe and then go for a walk. But today it has been raining all day. Such a bore. I forgot to bring my paint-box and I’m not allowed to read all day. Mother says, if you 3)gobble all your books up now you’ll have nothing left to read. That’s quite true, but I can’t even go and swing.
  Afternoon. I must write some more. I’ve had a frightful 4)row with Dora. She says I’ve been
  5)fiddling with her things. It’s all because she’s so untidy. As if her things could interest me. Yesterday she left her letter to Erika lying about on the table, and all I read was: “He’s as handsome as a Greek god.” I don’t know who “he” was for she came in at that moment. It’s probably Kral Rudi, with whom she is everlastingly playing tennis. As for handsome—well, there’s no accounting for tastes.
  26 July.
  It’s a good thing I brought my dolls’ 6)portmanteau. Mother said: you’ll be glad to have it on rainy days. Of course I’m too old to play with dolls, but even though I’m eleven I can make dolls’ clothes still. One learns something while one is doing it and when I’ve finished something I do enjoy it so. Mother cut me out some things and I was 7)tacking them together. Then Dora came into the room and said: “Hello, the child is sewing things for her dolls.” When she sat down beside me I sewed so vigorously that I made a great scratch on her hand, and said: “Oh, I’m so sorry. But you came too close.” I hope she’ll know why I really did it. Of course she’ll go and sneak to Mother. Let her. What right had she to call me child? She’s got a fine red scratch anyhow, and on her right hand where everyone can see.
  27 July.
  There’s such a lot of fruit here. I eat 8)raspberries and 9)gooseberries all day and Mother says that is why I have no appetite for dinner. But Dr Klein always says fruit is so wholesome; so why should it be unwholesome all at once? Hella always says that when one likes anything awfully much one is always scolded about it until one get
  perfectly sick of it. Hella often gets in such a temper with her mother, and then her mother says: We make such sacrifices
  for our children and they reward us with ingratitude. I should like to know what sacrifices they make. I think it’s the children who make the sacrifices. When I want to eat gooseberries and am not allowed to, the sacrifices is mine not Mother’s.



雪桐 译    Traditions are reflections of the beliefs, superstitions and personality of a family. I   1)stop short of saying that they are the soul of a family, because the spirit of those traditions may
小兰 译    It is a flower in a bleeding, fighting city. It is the biggest coexistence project that succeeded in bringing 400 Jews and Arabs to grow up and live together.  ——Alla Hattib, co-principal of M
这首歌是芬兰国宝级乐队Nightwish的键盘手Tuomas Holopainen为芬兰电影LIEKSA!写的主题曲,由该乐队贝司手Marco Hietala深情演唱。  MV中该影片的女主角一头性感短发,在和那个暗恋她的金发男子若即若离的对望间,她突然扮了一个极为夸张的鬼脸,着实吓了对方一跳。那个憨厚而静默的男子回过神来冷静了一小会儿,报以一个斯文而略带柔情的鬼脸,很可爱。爱就这样毫无来由地开始
一叶 译    Foreword: It is a game that begins before it starts and finishes before it ends. It defines the concept of “judging a book by its cover”. It stands beside racism, 1)bigotry, and 2)homophobia.
It was around seven o’clock that morning when my mother walked into the bedroom I shared with my little sister to wake us up. I had just turned six years old and the little one was two and a half. We
朱俊 译    我出生在嵩山脚下的一个小城市,印象中,故乡的冬天总会下几场鹅毛大雪。常常是一觉醒来,往窗外一望就发现屋檐上、树丫间乃至整个天地都是白茫茫的一片。顿时,早起上学的阴霾就会无缘由地消失,心情变得雀跃起来。于是,一整天的心思都被这白色的精灵所牵引,上课中间也禁不住往窗外偷瞄上几眼,这倒也为当初年少时“为赋新诗强说愁”提供了情感素材。  只不过,这一切晶莹剔透的过往都已成为了回忆。如今生活
Everyone respects and 1)helps the millionaire, the famous, the boss, those with beauty and brains. What about the 2)bum on the street?   I was parked in front of the church cleaning out my Jeep. I was
修女是天主教中离家进修会的女教徒,通常要发三愿(即“绝财”、“绝色”及“绝意”),她们从事祈祷和协助神父进行传教的工作。  提起“修女”二字,你脑海中浮现出什么印象?满面沧桑、一脸冷酷、不食人间烟火的老妇人?  现在,有人要向大家证明,这种传统印象是不准确的。    修女是天主教中离家进修会的女教徒,通常要发三愿(即“绝财”、“绝色”及“绝意”),她们从事祈祷和协助神父进行传教的工作。  提起“修
Robert Frost(1874—1963),美国著名现代诗人,一生中多次获普利策奖,被公认为是没有桂冠的桂冠诗人。他出生于美国加利福尼亚州,念过哈佛大学,但因种种原因中途辍学,做过纺织工人、教员,经营过农场,但最爱的还是写诗。他的诗主要分为抒情诗和叙事诗两大类,朴实无华,然而耐人寻味,大多描写的是田园生活,表现人与大自然的关系,充满浓厚的泥土气息,因而他被称为“新英格兰田园诗人”。Robert
薇雨 译    他一生孤寂,其间不是面对政治密谋就是人身攻击。在那个君权当道的年代,在一场败仗之后,他不满于自己徒有的名衔,试图改变而又不得其所,因而常与内阁中的长老意见相悖。他与著名作曲家理查德·瓦格纳的交往因过度挥霍,以及公私不分而遭内阁人士与人民的强烈反对。理查德·瓦格纳最终被迫离开慕尼黑,这使他愈加厌恶慕尼黑,而倾心于巴伐利亚山区——一个让他感到快乐与自在的世界。  1869年,就在巴伐利