一、利用现状世界海洋鱼类虽有1万种以上,但作为捕捞对象的鱼类仅有200余种。其中,产量超过100万吨的只有11种,属鳀科、鲱科、鳕科、金枪鱼科、鲭科、鲹科、鲽科、胡瓜鱼科鱼类。产量在50~100万吨的有12种,15~50万吨的有48种。1989年主要11种经济鱼类的产量总和为3606.3万吨,约占世界海洋鱼类总产量的42.1%,这11种鱼类的分布如下: (1)狭鳕广泛分布于北太平洋,主要渔场在朝鲜湾、北海道水域、鄂霍次克海和白令海以及加利福尼亚以北的美洲沿岸一
First, the use of the status quo Although there are 10,000 species of marine fish in the world, but as a fishing target of only 200 species of fish. Among them, there are only 11 species that produce more than 1 million tons, belonging to the family Nymphoides, Herring Branch, Codidae, Tuna Division, Scomberidae, Trichosanthes, Trichosanthes and Squashes. There are 12 species with a production of 500 to 1 million tons and 48 species with 15 to 500,000 tons. The total output of 11 major types of economic fish in 1989 was 36,063,000 tons, accounting for about 42.1% of the world’s total marine fish production. The distribution of these 11 species of fish is as follows: (1) The pollock is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean and the major fisheries In the Gulf of Korea, the waters of Hokkaido, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea and the coast of the Americas north of California