Male patients, 5 years and 10 months. 7 months after birth, parents found that children with binocular vision disorders, can not follow the object movement, photophobia, often with your fingers pressure eyeball (Figure 1), in November 2003 to our hospital. Children with a second child, full-term natural delivery, no trauma, surgery history. Consciousness, development and intelligence are normal. Parents of non-relatives married, family history of no genetic disease and the same history. Have a sister and a brother, are healthy. Physical examination and laboratory tests showed no abnormalities. Eye examination: Both eyes corrected visual acuity were 0.01, mydriatic retinoscopy: right eye +6.00 DS +1.50 DC × 180 °, left eye +6.00 DS +2.00 DC × 180 °. Eyes concave, horizontal nystagmus. Cornea transparent, KP (-), anterior chamber deep, Tyn (-), double