黎明前的村庄宁静安详,广袤的原野沉寂一片。农户人睡得很实。一声鸡啼,东方欲晓,农户人家的门就有了动静。这时的晨光还裹在淡淡的夜色里。篱笆花丛下的暗影浅短而细碎,院落里的瓜果蔬菜看不清色泽。稍一会儿,天透亮了,万物才显出各自的色彩来。这时,多数人走出房门,院子里散落了鸡、鸭、鹅讨食和放野的欢叫声。 农户人起得很早,乡村里看不见晨练的人。他们起床就开始忙碌生计,一年四季辛勤地劳作。
The village before dawn was tranquil and tranquil, the vastness of the fields was quiet. Farmers sleep well. A chicken cry, the East want to Xiao, peasant households have the door to the news. The morning light was also wrapped in a faint night. The shadow of the fence under the flowers is short and fine, fruits and vegetables in the courtyard can not see the color. A moment later, when the sky was clear, everything showed its own color. At this time, most people walked out of the house, scattered chickens, ducks and geese in the yard to chew their food and to roam the wild. Farmers start very early, people can not see the morning exercise in the village. When they get up they start their busy life and work hard all year long.