混凝土的劈拉强度R_L与立方抗压强度R的关系,可参照下式: R_L=0.32R~(0.765)……………(1) 这是对153组卵石混凝土统计的结果。采用中国水泥厂425号普硅水泥和南京白云石碎石配制的混凝土,在标准养护下劈拉强度比上式计算值约高20%;而用同样
The relationship between the concrete tensile strength R_L and the cubic compressive strength R can be referred to the following formula: R_L=0.32R~(0.765)...............(1) This is the statistical result of the 153 group of pebble concrete. Concretes prepared from China Cement Plant No. 425 Portland Cement and Nanjing Dolomite Gravel will have a tensile strength of approximately 20% higher than that calculated by the above formula under standard maintenance;