中国美术馆画廊主办的《中国现代民间绘画展》和《现代中国画展》,从1985年11月至1986年底,分别在美国西部和西南部几个州一些城市的画廊展出,引起了美国观众的热烈反响。 这两个画展,各具风采。大多出自农、牧、渔民之手的650幅现代民间绘画,质朴、纯真,乡景、民俗表现得淋漓尽致而又协调得体,散发出浓郁的乡土气息;现代中国画展则荟萃了富有创新精神的二十多位画家的120幅杰出作品。既体现出中国绘画古老的传统和现代的新意,又借鉴了西方绘画艺术的精华,使人对当今中国绘画艺术的脉搏有触及之感。两种画展
From November 1985 to the end of 1986, the “Chinese Modern Folk Painting Exhibition” and “Modern Chinese Painting Exhibition”, organized by the China Art Gallery, were exhibited in galleries in several cities in several western and southwestern United States countries respectively, causing the audience in the United States The warm response. These two art exhibitions, each with style. Most of the 650 modern folk paintings that come from the hands of peasants, herdsmen and fishermen are vivid, innocent, rural landscapes and folklore. They are most vivid and well-coordinated, emitting rich local flavor. Modern Chinese art exhibition is a blend of innovative two More than 120 painters of 120 outstanding works. It embodies both the ancient tradition of Chinese painting and the modern novelty, draws on the essence of Western painting art and gives people an impression of the pulse of contemporary Chinese painting art. Two kinds of art exhibitions