两次科场失利的宋代人苏洵,失利后不气馁,刻苦自学,终于成为“唐宋八大家”之一。 八次落考的明朝人归有光,在嘉定办学,仍然含辛茹苦,发愤攻读,终于写下了《震川广集》40卷。 三次落考的著名医学家李时珍,下决心从医,走遍了长江、黄河流域。经过27年的精心研究,参考了八百多种医书,写下了医学巨著《本草纲目》。 四次落考的清代文学家蒲松龄,深入民间采访,写出了著名文学作品《聊斋志异》。
After two defeats in the Soviet Union, Su Jie, who was defeated by the department, did not become discouraged after the defeat and worked hard to study himself. At last, he became one of the “Eight Masters in Tang and Song Dynasties.” The Ming dynasty returned eight times and went to school in Jiading. Still suffering hardships and studying hard, he finally wrote 40 volumes of “Great Earthquake in Zhenchuan”. Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist who took the exam three times, determined to practice medicine and traveled all over the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. After 27 years of careful study, reference to more than 800 kinds of medical books, wrote the medical masterpiece “Compendium of Materia Medica.” Pu Songling, a Qing-based writer who went down four times, went deep into folk interviews and wrote a famous literary work, “Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio.”