青河县位于准噶尔盆地东北边缘,阿尔泰山东南麓,总面积15 790.36平方千米。地势是北高南低向西倾斜,依次分为高山、中山、低山、丘陵、戈壁、沙漠等地带。山地、丘陵占总面积的88.4%,是典型的山区县。县城海拔高度1 218米,境内最高点海拔3 659米,最低处900米。青河县境内有大青河、小青河、查干河、布尔根河及交汇河流乌伦古河等5条河流横贯境内,年径流量9.97亿立方米。属大陆性北温带干旱气候,高山高寒,四季变化不明显,空气干燥,冬季漫
Qinghe County is located in the northeastern margin of the Junggar Basin, southeast of Altay Mountain, with a total area of 15,790.36 square kilometers. The terrain is high in the north and south slopes to the west, which are divided into high mountains, middle mountains, low mountains, hills, deserts and other areas. Mountain, hills account for 88.4% of the total area, is a typical mountain county. The county elevation of 1 218 meters, the highest point of the territory of 3 659 meters above sea level, the lowest 900 meters. Within the territory of Qinghe County, there are 5 rivers, the Daqing River, Xiaoqing River, Chagan River, Burgen River and the Wulungu River which cross the river. The annual runoff is 997 million cubic meters. It belongs to continental north temperate arid climate, mountain alpine, seasons change is not obvious, air-dry, winter diffuse