在新闻写作中,有一项很重要但很少被人注意的技巧,这就是文章的节奏。 节奏,原是指音乐交替出现的有规律的强弱、长短的现象。“一张一驰,文武之道”,新闻报道亦不例外。让那些精选的词句在版面上跳起舞来,是那些有进取心的记者不懈的追求。 文章的节奏与文章内容紧密相连。例如报道葬礼,节奏缓慢;报道抢险,节奏急促。节奏感是在阅读过程中表现出来的。运用词语、句子和段落都能
In the news writing, there is a very important but rarely noticed skills, which is the rhythm of the article. Rhythm, the original refers to the music alternating with regular strength, the length of the phenomenon. “One by one, civil and military way”, news reports are no exception. Let those carefully selected words and phrases dance on the layout, those who have aggressive pursuit of relentless journalists. The rhythm of the article is closely linked with the content of the article. For example, coverage of funerals, slow pace; coverage of emergency, rapid pace. Rhythm is reflected in the reading process. Use words, sentences and paragraphs can be