今年2月19日,国家经贸委正式宣布国家的9个 专业局撤消,历时三年的政府机构改革已基本完成。这是我国历史上规模和力度都很大的一次机构改革。其目的在于彻底转变政府职能,使政府更多地位于宏观管理的位置上,把企业经营权还给企业,由此理顺政府与企业之间的关系,建立
February 19 this year, the State Economic and Trade Commission officially announced the withdrawal of the country’s nine professional boards, which lasted three years of government agencies has basically completed the reform. This is an institutional reform that is very large in scale and intensity in our history. Its purpose is to completely change the functions of the government so that the government is more located in the macro-management position, the right to return to business enterprises, thus rationalizing the relationship between government and business, the establishment of