师:请同学们把书翻到280页,这一课我们学习《美国霸权地位的确立和美国的冷战政策》一目内容。第二次世界大战后,资本主义世界的格局出现了一个新的变化,以往欧洲列强争霸的局面一去不复返了,开始了由美国独霸资本主义世界的局面。请同学们想一想,为什么在战后美国能够一举登上资本主义世界霸主的宝座?(板书) [评:精心设问,启迪思维。引导学生联系旧知识,了解二战后资本主义世界的新格局。由学生回答美国成为资本主义世界霸主的原因更佳。]生:这是因为大战打倒了德、意、日三个法西斯强国,削弱了英、法两个带国主义大国;而美国本土
Teacher: Ask the students to turn the book to 280 pages. In this lesson, we study the content of “the establishment of the hegemonic position of the United States and the U.S. Cold War policy.” After the Second World War, the pattern of the capitalist world has undergone a new change. The situation in which the hegemony of the European powers was dominated by the past is gone forever, and the situation in which the United States has dominated the capitalist world has begun. Ask the students to think about why the United States boarded the overriding position of the capitalist world in the post-war period? (Comment on the book: elaborate questioning and inspiring thinking. Guide students to contact old knowledge and understand the new pattern of post-World War II capitalism. The reasons for why the United States has become the overlord of the capitalist world are better answered by the students. ] Health: This is because the war overthrew Germany, Italy and Japan, the three fascist powers, weakening the British and French powers of two big countries; and the United States