【摘 要】
May 1930, the United States aviation giant - Boeing Airlines, hired the world’s first air stewardess, opened a new chapter in aviation history. The flight attendant owes her to Miss Ellen Church. She was slender, very interested in aviation since childhood. When working as a nurse at a San Francisco hospital, she got to know a young man named Steve Sting Passon. Steve is a Boeing Director in San Francisco. At that time, he had been thinking about how to get rid of the distress of the co-pilot of the Civil Aviation flight serving as a flight attendant on the flight. Clever Ellen suggested, may wish to hire female attendants to try. As a woman, she proudly believes that a woman’s nature can make a woman more capable of the job. And she returned to the female attendant crowned as “stewardess” beauty
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[摘 要] 由零线引起的事故和其它事故不一样,很多用户和电气工作人员只重视火线而轻视零线,殊不知火线断线的危害可能仅仅是停电而已,而零线断线和错接则可能造成机毁人亡的重大事故。 [关键词] 零线 断线 预防 在我国城乡居民用电中,普遍采用380/220V三相四线制供电系统供电。在380/220V配电网中,电力网多采用TT系统,电力线路常采用电缆或架空线路,用户侧采用漏电保护开关作为
目的研究肝X受体-β(Liver X receptor-β,LXR-β)和三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运子A1(ATP binding cassette transport protein A1,ABCA1)蛋白在人脑胶质母细胞瘤(Glioblastoma,GBM