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卯时苏北鲁南的春天来得早,旧历新年一过,打春就开始了。刚休整一个冬天的麻庄人又早早地就开始了新的一年的劳作。一大早,王顺子赶着牛车,去翻耕马鞍山脚下新开的荒地。牛车叽里咕噜地行走在村南的大路上,路过万家大院时,王顺子有意无意地往院子里张望了一眼,看到滴翠正站在院子里撒小米喂鸡。王顺子心里有点儿难过。他其实在心里面是很喜欢滴翠的,她的身子软,很会伺候人。王顺子闹不明白,在床上这么会折腾的女人咋就忽然不能生了呢?也怪自己,或许是第一个胎儿的早产伤了她的元气吧。老娘看不惯滴翠,整天在她面前念叨什么“母鸡只叫唤不下蛋,哪还 Mao Zunnan Lunan spring came earlier, the Lunar New Year is over, playing spring began. Mazhuang who had just taken a winter break started a new year’s work sooner. Early in the morning, Wang Shunzi rushed ox cart to toss the newly opened wasteland at the foot of Ma On Shan. Jill bull walking in the village south of the road, passing thousands of compound, Wang Shunzi intentionally or unintentionally looked into the yard and saw Dicui is standing in the yard sprinkle millet chicken. Wang Shunzi a little sad heart. In fact, he really likes Dracaena in the heart, and she is soft and will wait. Wang Shunzi trouble do not understand, so tossing in the bed so suddenly a woman can not give birth to it? Strange yourself, perhaps the first premature fetus hurt her strength it. Old mother could not bear accusing drops of green, all day in front of her talk about what ”hen only called not to lay eggs, which also
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连老师:  我以前受过伤害。我曾放弃工作,跑到前男友的城市,结果他出轨了,弄得我有了心理阴影。现在,男朋友外派到国外了,3年之内都不可能调回来。他和我商量,想让我和他先领证结婚,然后一起过去。  他是一个很好的结婚对象,工作好,家世好,对我又很体贴,而且我们已经谈了3年的恋爱,可谓是知根知底。但是怎么说呢,我很纠结,可能我是一个理性的人吧。我感觉我不是特别爱他,见不到他也不会特别想他。再说我的工作
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