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课前积累:师:同学们,看大屏幕上的成语,能不能正确地读出来?大屏幕出示成语,生自由读:趾高气扬神气十足不屑一顾目中无人盛气凌人嗤之以鼻恼羞成怒暴跳如雷勃然大怒火冒三丈怒发冲冠怒火中烧师:谁来读一读?(指名读,正音)看看前两行成语是描写什么的?生:是描写人物的神态的成语。师:具体一点儿,是描写人物什么神态的呢? Accumulation before class: Teacher: Students, I see the big screen idioms, can correctly read out? Big screen shows idioms, students are free to read: arrogant air disdain look uninhabited, arrogant, snarky, furious, (Named reading, right tone) Look at the first two lines of idioms is what to describe? Health: is to describe the demeanor idioms. Teacher: Specifically, what is the demeanor?