上海市黄浦区一九八五年高考模拟试题中有一道“阅读分析”题(见附题),最近在长宁区某中学的一次常规考试中被命题人选用了,考后,我们对这道题作了统计分析。基本情况和基本数据如下: 考试类型期中考试学校类型区重点中学班级情况一个班级,中下类型本题占分 30% 这份试卷,命题人认为是综合程度较高,可以拉开分距的;所用材料虽来自第五册语文课本,但应考各班都没有教过,可以看作
There was a “reading analysis” question in the Shanghai 1985 entrance exam simulation test in Huangpu District, Shanghai. It was recently selected by a proposition candidate in a regular examination in a middle school in Changning District. After the exam, we This question was analyzed statistically. The basic situation and basic data are as follows: Exam type Mid-term exam School type District Key middle school Class situation One class, middle and lower type This question has 30% of the subject This paper, the proposition person thinks that it has a higher comprehensive level, which can be divided by the distance; Although the materials are from the fifth language textbook, they have not been taught in any of the examinations.