儿童常于病毒感染之后并发急性、特发性血小板减少性紫癜(简称ITP)。成人ITP大多为慢性,一般认为属于特发性,与感染无关。我们最近对3例慢性ITP作了较长时期的观察,认为该症与感染还是有密切的关系。现将病例简述于下,并对ITP与感染的关系作了初步的探讨。 [例1] 任××,女,48岁,工人,住院号88941。1979年8月22日因四肢皮下及齿龈出血而入院。患者于1970年曾因反复尿路感染,右肾萎缩及无功能而切除右肾。1975年又作卵巢囊肿摘除术。两次手术时均无大出血情况。体检中除齿龈渗血,四肢皮肤有散在性出血点外,无其他阳性体征。
Children often complicated by acute viral infection, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (referred to as ITP). Most adult ITP is chronic, generally considered to be idiopathic, has nothing to do with the infection. We recently observed a long period of 3 cases of chronic ITP, that the disease is still closely related to infection. The case is briefly described below, and ITP and the relationship between infection made a preliminary discussion. [Example 1] Any × ×, female, 48 years old, worker, hospital number 88941. August 22, 1979 due to extremities and bleeding gums and admission. The patient had a resection of the right kidney in 1970 due to repeated urinary tract infections, right atrophy and no function. In 1975 and ovarian cyst excision. No major bleeding in both cases. In addition to physical examination in the gingival bleeding, extremities skin scattered bleeding, no other positive signs.