1972年藤本等发现一种具有共同临床和病理特点的疾病,命名为坏死性淋巴结炎(necrotizing lymphadenitis)。本病多见于青年,易侵犯颈部淋巴结,腋窝、颌下、鼠蹊淋巴结亦可受侵,深部淋巴结则未见病变,但Wakasa见到2例侵犯了纵隔。发热一般达38℃以上,末梢血白细胞减少。抗生素治疗无效,2~3个月后可自愈。病变淋巴结皮质旁区扩大,皮质滤泡减少。出现单发或多发的坏死病灶。坏死灶中可见散在的组织细胞,胞浆染色浅,胞体内吞噬有细胞核和崩解淋巴细胞;还可见吞噬细胞核的噬细胞和反应增生的大型幼稚淋巴细胞。看不到嗜中性白细胞、嗜酸性白细胞及浆细胞等炎症性细胞
In 1972 Fujimoto found a common clinical and pathological features of the disease, named necrotizing lymphadenitis. The disease more common in young people, easy to infringe the neck lymph nodes, axillary, submandibular, groin lymph nodes can also be invasive, deep lymph node lesions were not seen, but Wakasa saw violations of the mediastinum in 2 cases. Fever is generally above 38 ℃, peripheral blood leukopenia. Antibiotic treatment is invalid, 2 to 3 months after healing. Lesions adjacent to the cortical area expanded, cortical follicles decreased. A single or multiple occurrence of necrotic lesions. Necrotic tissue visible in the necrotic tissue, cytoplasmic staining, phagocytosis within the cell nucleus and disintegration of lymphocytes; phagocytic nuclei can also be seen phagocytes and reactive proliferation of large naive lymphocytes. Can not see neutrophils, eosinophils and plasma cells and other inflammatory cells