在浸润性乳癌的治疗中,肿块局部切除(局切)+放疗的效果并不亚于乳房切除术(乳切)。事实上,在精心设计的对照试验中,乳切从未被证明优于局切+放疗。然而,局切后可以产生复发。Kurtz 等取1963~1980年在法国马赛肿瘤研究所作局切,而在1987年1月前复发的病人143例进行了深入分析。该组病人占同期同类病人1245名的11.5%。在143例中,选1985年12月以前作第二次手术的118例作为本
In the treatment of invasive breast cancer, the local resection of the mass and the radiotherapy are no less effective than mastectomy. In fact, in carefully designed controlled trials, breast cutting has never been shown to be superior to infraction + radiotherapy. However, a recurrence may occur after an excision. Kurtz et al. took 1963 to 1980 in the French Marseille Cancer Research Bureau, and 143 patients who relapsed before January 1987 conducted in-depth analysis. This group of patients accounted for 11.5% of the 1,245 similar patients in the same period. Among the 143 cases, 118 cases were selected as the second one by December 1985 for the second operation.