无托槽隐形矫治是本世纪发展最迅猛的矫治技术,不仅受到患者青睐,也颇受医师关注。本文阐述正畸治疗中垂直向控制的意义,无托槽隐形矫治在垂直向控制上的优势与不足,分析发生不足的原因以及如何利用现有技术和方法弥补这些不足,以期为正畸临床提供参考。“,”Clear aligners are the fastest-growing appliances in this century, which are not only favored by patients, but also concerned by doctors. This article explains the significance of vertical control in orthodontic treatment, the advantages and disadvantages of vertical control with clear aligner. It also analyzes the causes of the shortcomings and how to use existing technologies and methods to make up for these shortcomings.