今年6月下旬以来,苏州市又遇洪灾的袭击,不少企业险情频出。在危急时刻,各单位领导班子挺身而出,为保卫工厂、保卫国家财产,带领职工抗洪救灾,涌现出许多典型事例,下面撷取的只是其中的几个小片断。 党员迎着险情上 “共产党员要在抗洪第一线过好党的组织生活,以实际行动庆祝党的生日”,这是重灾户苏州电瓷厂全体党员的共同心声。连日来,职工群众亲眼目睹:哪里最艰巨,哪里有重活,哪里就有共产党员。
Since late June of this year, Suzhou City has also encountered flooding attacks, and many enterprises have frequent dangers. In times of crisis, the leading bodies of various units stepped forward to defend the factory, defend the country’s property, and lead the workers to fight floods and relief. Many typical examples emerged. The following are only a few small snippets. Party members are facing dangerous situations: “Party members must live a good party life in the first line of fighting floods and celebrate the party’s birthday with practical actions”, which is the common aspiration of all party members of the disaster-hit households of the Suzhou Electric Porcelain Factory. In the past few days, the workers and staff members have witnessed with their own eyes: Where is the most arduous and where there is heavy work, there are communist party members.