1911年美人客殷氏(F.H.King)著一书,名曰“四千年农户记”(Farmers of Forty Centuries),述中国日本及朝鲜三国之农务极详尽。于中国尤推崇备至,谓其地无弃利,人无弃力;对于农人以粪代肥之法尤为倾倒,盖利用废物,神乎化矣。每一成年之人,日出粪可30两(中国两),则每年全国325000000人所出之粪,当130682500英吨(每吨合中国库平1702斤)。其中所含之硝素当888641吨,钾素当261365吨,燐素当1110501.25吨。1908年上海工部局以墨银七万元售在租界内
In 1911 F. H. King wrote a book entitled “Farmers of Forty Centuries,” describing the far-reaching agricultural practices in China, Japan and North Korea. In China, you are particularly respected, claiming that you have no interest in giving up any profits, and that you have no renounced power. Every adult, the sunrise manure can be 30 two (China two), the annual 325 million people in the country excrement, when 13,068,250 tons (1 ton per kilogram of China Kupin 1702 pounds). Which contains 888641 tons of nitrite, potassium when 261365 tons, 1110501.25 tons when Su element. In 1908, the Shanghai Bureau of Industry and Commerce sold 70,000 yuan in Mexico City in the concession