在当代以任何语言写成的政治哲学著作中,没有任何一部著作能够像约翰·罗尔斯的《正义论》(A Theory of Justice)那样产生如此巨大的学术反响。在历经大约20年连续不断的批评之后,罗尔斯对原著进行了修正并出版了新著。《政治自由主义》(PoliticalLiberalism)就针对《正义论》?
None of the contemporary works of political philosophy written in any language can produce such a dramatic academic response as John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice. After about 20 years of continuous criticism, Rawls revised the original book and published a new book. “Political Liberalism” (Political Liberalism) against the “justice theory”?