我受国家教委派遣于1983年赴日本攻读博士学位,1988年于哈佛大学从事博士后研究,现任哈佛大学公共卫生学院及医学院副教授,群体遗传研究室主任,并兼哈佛大学环境委员会、中国能源与环境委员会联席主席,北美华人科技协会理事长和大波士顿地区北京医科大学校友会主席。这次非常高兴受中国驻纽约总领馆科技组委托,向祖国专题汇报我对加速中国21世纪科学技术发展的一点想法。 改革开放以来我国各行业领域的巨大进步发展,香港回归及十五大的精神使每一位爱国的海内外华人受到鼓舞和鞭策,也促进了对中国21世纪科学技术发展前景、机遇与挑战的不断思考;每一位爱国的海内外华人都衷心希望祖国能早日在科学技术上赶上和超过世界先进水平,而生命科学将是整个科学技术发展的一个重要组成部分。为此,我们北美华人科技协会计划于1998年6月召开题为“中
I was dispatched by the State Education Commission to go to Japan for my doctorate in 1983 and postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University in 1988. She is currently Associate Professor of Public Health and Medicine at Harvard University and Director of Group Genetics Research and is also a member of Harvard University's Environmental Council, Co-Chair of the Environment Committee, Chairman of the North American Chinese Association of Science and Technology and Chairman of the Alumni Association of Beijing Medical University in Greater Boston. This time, I am very pleased to be commissioned by the Science and Technology Department of the Chinese Consulate General in New York to report to the special topic on the motherland about my idea of accelerating the development of science and technology in the 21st century in China. The tremendous progress and progress in all fields of our country since the reform and opening up, the return of Hong Kong and the spirit of the 15th National Congress have encouraged and patronized every patriotic overseas Chinese at home and abroad. It has also promoted the development of China's science and technology in the 21st century. Keep thinking. Every patriotic Chinese at home and abroad sincerely hopes that the motherland can catch up with and surpass advanced world standards in science and technology as soon as possible, and life science will be an important part of the entire development of science and technology. To this end, we North American Chinese Association of Science and Technology plan in June 1998 entitled "China