
来源 :天津理工大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheena111
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证明了4√xarcsin(√x/2)/(4-x)3/2+4/4-x=(∞∑n=0)1/(2nn)xn,丨x丨<4.选择x = 2得到常数π的级数表示式π/2 =∑∞n=22n/(2nn).基于这个表示式,建立了余项Rn= π/2-∑nk=22k
We study the Cauchy problem for the Davey-Stewartson equation i(e)tu+Au+|u|2u+E1(|u|2)u=0,(t,x)∈R×R3.The dichotomy between scattering and finite time blow-up
In this paper,we consider the Neumann problem for parabolic Hessian quotient equations.We show that the k-admissible solution of the parabolic Hessian quotient
运用同余理论、因式分解、数学归纳法和Legendre符号等基础知识,得到了不定方程x2+7y2 = n(n ∈ N*)有互素的正整数解的充分必要条件,证明了方程有解时,恰有2m-1个解,这里m是
针对各类网络平台农业舆情信息数量庞大内容繁多,无法准确把握农业网络舆情的热点及其发展变化规律的问题,提出了 LDA-LSTM-ATTN模型实现关键主题的提取及其热度变化预测.首
In this paper,we characterize the compactness and Fredholmness of Toeplitz operators and Toeplitz products on Bergman-Sobolev spaces over the unit polydisk.We also calculate the essential norm of finite sums of finite Toeplitz products on these spaces.
Let G be a finite group,and let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of G.Under the hypothesis that NG(P) is p-nilpotent,we provide some conditions to give a p-nilpotency cr